
Be honest

Here's the transcript of my exchange with Crassjerk:

From Crassjerk:
Hey there, can I get your opinion? Forgetting about enjoyment or time or anything else, when should someone quit chess because they're skill level is just too poor? I.e. Something a long the lines of "If you can't/don't do x, and if you do x too often while playing then you should quit".14:03

From Killf7
The short answer, IMO, is when playing sucks. If you aren't enjoying then it's time to quit. But as for you, you have only a few hundred games, it should take more than that. But really, this should be fun or what's the point for players like us? I'm in my 60s, I'm never going to be great, but so what? It's fun. Try to learn how to accept losing and still be happy. It really doesn't matter. Have fun.14:07

Ok, I was hoping for an answer more like "If you can't or don't do x while playing, or if you do x too often while playing then you should quit"14:08
Something along those lines14:08

That sounds like a request training. If so, I'm not good enough. But I did go to and I have done EVERY single one of those chapters from beginner to the end. Multiple times! It's excellent training. I highly recommend it. And it's fun. The always necessary ingredient for me.14:12

It's not a training request14:12
far from it14:12
I just literally want an answer to the question14:12

OK. I don't know. The question seems way too simple for the game of chess in which you have to do, or not do, x some many times in so many different situations. How can there be an answer?14:15

if it's simple then it should be easy to answer14:15

It's not simple. Chess is very complex.14:16
Good luck friend. But maybe you can benefit from this advice that I have received many many times: PATIENCE14:17

yeah we're done here14:17
@killF7 Yup, you are not alone ;)a couple of my friends on lichess also got blocked lmao after trying to help heh.Such a waste of our time trying to talk sense into an attention seeker.
Here is my exchange with crass
Hey, just looking for an opinion. At what point should someone quit chess because because of their skill level because they're just no good?15:36

Imo there's no such a thing as 'no good'.If you enjoy playing then carry on.How long have you been playing chess?15:59

15 years on and off, but that doesn't actually answer the question. If anything it sounds like you're trying to dance around it16:01

‘At what point should someone quit chess cuz of their skill level’ if having low skill level really bothers you then I suggest spending some time studying tactics,theory etc.Tbh I don’t think you’ve reached your ceiling yet.Only quit if you find no enjoyment in playing anymore.17:48

Ok, the question wasn't how to improve though, it was when to quit because of a low skill level17:54

Well...its your choice whether or when you want to quit I can’t give an opinion on that. As long as having low skill level doesn’t put you in despair then you shouldn’t quit.A slow skill level doesn’t stop others from playing why should it bother you.18:28
Or you could've actually answered the question instead of trying to dance around the question and sugarcoat it.
You think that at your level Silman’s how to reassess your chess will help?????? These are for very advanced players and you should do more tactics instead or get more basic books.

In any Case, why would you quit if you are no good. The point of a game is to have fun. You can still have fun if you are bad. So many people have told you this over and over, but you refuse to listen to anyone apart from yourself telling you “I’m so bad I should quit” when everyone else is telling you not to.
You played well in the opening until bb5? and qa7? I don't think that you're being honest when you said that you've been playing chess for “14 years”
I said no and didn't get blocked(last I checked)

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