I don't want to say anything. Just look at move 27. The reason I put my mistakes in the forum because I want lower rated players to feel good about their games. Chess is a hard game and I can't make it easier for you but I can make you laugh. It's more painful for me because I am solving so many chess puzzles. I want to be good not to miss these.the thing is by these mistakes I don't know if I am ever going to reach to 2800 at blitz.
Please comment me
It happens man...I'm even lower rated than you.
@ajfang said in #3:
> It happens man...I'm even lower rated than you
To be honest. I thought that knight move was a check. For life of me, I don't know what he was thinking. Every game is like this one.
> It happens man...I'm even lower rated than you
To be honest. I thought that knight move was a check. For life of me, I don't know what he was thinking. Every game is like this one.
22 ... Nb4 ls a strange move to me... And that your opp took the knight and lost a queen, maybe he or she also thought it was check
The next time you play against a player 300 points higher than you, get ready for them to lose in a hilarious fashion. Our own tactical pattern recognition hallucinates us.
Back when I was a 700 rated player who sacrificed a king in a chess game every night this game made me feel proud of myself. lichess.org/GZ1EKrJR
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Magnus carlsen blundered mate in 1 today lol this is nothing