@Brian-E said in #5:
> I can't work it out. Whatever we do or don't do in the chat, it can be misconstrued. The emotions run high during a game.
> Sometimes I have used the "good game" standard phrase which I would have thought should offend no-one, but actually I think even that can go down the wrong way if we have just won, the opponent thinking "No, it wasn't a good game at all, how dare you think that my bad play is good for how I normally play...!!" or something.
> I've also favoured saying nothing, only responding if the opponent says something. But that can be wrong too. "How dare the player just leave without saying anything when they've just beaten me...!!"
I do it this way:
- "Have fun!" before the start;
- at the end of the game, if I lose, I congratulate ( "Well played", or "Good job!"); If I win I don't say anything, I expect the
opponent to congratulate me ( but it almost never happens... obviously I play badly even when I win, and I never deserve to win...! )