
Why did I get 3fold repetition?

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An identical position occurred at moves 54, 56 and 58. Computer analysis highlights this with [1] [2] [3] indicators alongside the move numbers. The rule relates to repeating the same configuration three times, not the same sequence of moves.
@oOoVladoOo Exactly as explained above, after white's moves 54, 56, 58, pieces are all in same place, Black to move, triple repetition, hence, draw. OTB one party or other would need to claim draw, but online lichess the server just tells you.

What confuses me, why is this rule hard to understand? At least once a week someone posts an almost identical question, and someone responds by finding the repetition and explaining it. It seems obvious and straightforward to me. But people are demanding their "V and elo." [By the way, it's not "elo." Elo is the name of the FIDE rating system. This is merely "rating."]

True that Judit Polgar once missed claiming a draw where there were a dozen or so moves obscuring the repetition, but no question about this one.
@sparowe14 Lichess have an option to not automatically claim a draw (but that doesn't mean your opponent doesn't have it active)

According to FIDE, the rules say that after repeating the game 5 times, the Arbiter can intervene to end the game.
The same happens in Lichess if nobody claim
Given that repeating positions are now marked on scoresheet I do wonder why this question still pops up
@sparowe14 said in #3:
> @oOoVladoOo Exactly as explained above, after white's moves 54, 56, 58, pieces are all in same place, Black to move, triple repetition, hence, draw. OTB one party or other would need to claim draw, but online lichess the server just tells you.
> What confuses me, why is this rule hard to understand? At least once a week someone posts an almost identical question, and someone responds by finding the repetition and explaining it. It seems obvious and straightforward to me. But people are demanding their "V and elo." [By the way, it's not "elo." Elo is the name of the FIDE rating system. This is merely "rating."]
> True that Judit Polgar once missed claiming a draw where there were a dozen or so moves obscuring the repetition, but no question about this one. That very true
@petri999 said in #5:
> Given that repeating positions are now marked on scoresheet I do wonder why this question still pops up

Maybe there needs to be a giant flashing pop-up with a blaring siren whenever a game ends by threefold repetition that says "WARNING! YOUR GAME ENDED BY THREEFOLD REPETITION. PLEASE SEE THE FOLLOWING MOVES IN WHICH THE POSITION WAS REPEATED." And then it automatically prophylactically bans you from the forums for a week just in case.
People are so stupid around you) Jusr relax, bro...

@SergioGlorias said in #4:
> @sparowe14 Lichess have an option to not automatically claim a draw (but that doesn't mean your opponent doesn't have it active)
> According to FIDE, the rules say that after repeating the game 5 times, the Arbiter can intervene to end the game.
> The same happens in Lichess if nobody claim
Right after ban for boring jokes)

@AsDaGo said in #7:
> Maybe there needs to be a giant flashing pop-up with a blaring siren whenever a game ends by threefold repetition that says "WARNING! YOUR GAME ENDED BY THREEFOLD REPETITION. PLEASE SEE THE FOLLOWING MOVES IN WHICH THE POSITION WAS REPEATED." And then it automatically prophylactically bans you from the forums for a week just in case.
@oOoVladoOo said in #8:
> People are so stupid around you) Jusr relax, bro...

says the guy who wrote "What should I do with this? Where to appeal? I want my V and elo..."

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