
Cheaters means you lost

I've been called a cheater a few times. Once the person was very insistent even.

Sometimes it's a pain, but you learn to ignore a sore loser. Other times it's a backhanded compliment. "Oh, you think I'm playing chess at secu a high level that I must be using computer? Thanks"
#12 That's really enough to report them and get their chat blocked, proceed to do so when it happens again if you wish.
Even if I think someone may be cheating, I simply move on to the next game. The cheater is the real loser regardless of game result, and also I think there are a lot more honest players than cheaters by a wide margin.

I haven't played so many games yet, but I can tell it's true, people blunder some material and when I take it, they say I use an engine. Some days ago my opponent called me a cheater, when I won a game in king of the hill! I didn't know there is already an engine capable of playing this variant. Once I offered to play 5+4, a player joined the game, made no move, just wrote in the chat, "This is the time control cheaters use" and aborted the game. Of course this player likes to talk about fair play here in the forum. As I see, indeed here in the forum players accuse other ones for no reason. Just saw a thread, were a player is accused of cheating, because he has a good rating in training. Unbelievable! Such "persons" are even worse than cheaters. It's also unbelievable that no action is taken by lichess. Please remove such ***

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