
Women Play as Strong as Men but We Don't Compare like for like

I want to add one other thought - I see people bringing up women's tournaments - I personally, also have no issue with those as long as there's also the option for the women to compete against the men if they desire, and again I think it goes back to the "not as many women in chess" thing more than anything else.

Like, okay, going back to equestrian sports (sorry, I'm kind of a horse nerd!) - historically, the three Olympic disciplines were pretty much dominated by men (up until post-World War II, at least in the US, though I believe the same also held for several other countries and possibly for quite a while longer than for the US, I know Italy's international team was still mostly military members into the '60s, the D'Inzeo brothers were both in their country's cavalry/army and were competing in the '60s- the three Olympic equestrian disciplines, dressage, show jumping and eventing, were only open to active cavalry members (exclusively men in that era) with a certain rank. For the US that all changed in 1950, though women competing at the highest levels was a gradual thing and I think the actual Olympics were still men only until at least the mid-1960s - when women started competing in the Olympics was kind of sport-by-sport. There were women riding in the Olympics in dressage in the early 1950s, but the first woman to compete in three day eventing in the Olympics did so in 1964, I believe.)

There's a major show jumping competition, the Royal International Horse Show, in England that to this day has a men's and women's trophy, though the women can and have won the men's trophy. The big men's trophy is the King George V Gold Cup and the big women's trophy is the Queen...god I want to say it's the Queen Elizabeth II cup as that's what I'm finding on Google and I can't remember now but that doesn't sound right for some reason. Anyway, there's still two trophies with one being the "women's" trophy and men not being able to compete for that one, but I don't really see that as an inequality, it's just another opportunity and it's only somehow been in the last 10-20 years that women have been able to compete for the King George V cup.

Anyhow, another novel but I guess, to me it doesn't really matter either, whether we have separate tournaments/titles as long as the opportunity to compete on completely equal terms is also available - give people the option, some will take it, some won't.
empezo la era del matriarcado. debemos resignarnos a obedecerlas y ser sumisos con ellas . dominan todo . arte ciencia sexo todoo !!!!!!
At least in the US+UK and some continental European countries this will not be an issue anymore soon. Within the next five years we are gonna see male IMs and GMs suddenly "identifying" as women, playing in women's tournaments and crushing everybody.

By then the whole separation - which I find reasonable to give women a chance to win trophies - won't make sense anymore.
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@ruzgar9543 Not that I think women's tournaments are sexism, but yes, that is left mainstream as of 2021. Literally, from Ibram Kendi's celebrated New York Times #1 best seller: "The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination."
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Remember the outrage when John Mcenroe said Serena might be 300th on the men's tour? The funny part is that he was being generous. She wouldn't crack the top 1,000.

See, e.g., UTR ratings.

How is this relevant? There is no more powerful social lobby in this world that has ever existed than feminism. Grrrrl power is all well and good, but there are biological differences between the sexes that cannot be denied (many not in favor of men, to be clear).

Dude, did you ACTUALLy just say that the fact that there are more professional men's chess players is an argument that they AREN"T better at chess?

That literally might be the worst argument ever made.

"You see, there is no evidence that midgets do not excel at basketball. In support of this, I submit that there are no midgets playing in the NBA, thus we cannot therefore know how midgets would fare."

You literally just said the above. Seriously. That argument is bad, and you should feel bad.

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