
Preventing e4 in the queen's indian is sometimes impossible!

I am trying to learn how to play the queen's indian and i have been told that i should prevent white from playing e4.
After 1. d4 e6 2. c4 Nf6 white plays Nc3 and then I can't prevent e4, can I ? I am trying to play the queen's indian against a player who plays the english and i was hoping for a transposition like 1.c4 Nf6 2.d4 e6 but then 3. Nc3 and if i go for b6 i get e4! any ideas ?
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First of: the Queen's Indian starts with 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3. Nf3, after which 3...b6 makes complete sense.
Secondly, you could try the following move order:
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 b6!?.
The idea is to skip the annoying Catalan and avoiding the Nimzo, as after 3.Nc3 you have 3...Bb7. Now you can fight for the e4 square.
This move order cuts down on theory but allows a critical 3.f3, which might not be everyone's taste.
Also after 3.Nf3 e6 we have reached the Queen's Indian again.

#2 is correct in saying that the Nimzo is very positional and maybe you should look for a different opening.
But don't let anyone tell you what to do. ;)
#4 Thanks for the help but I was also thinking playing it against c4 and after 1. c4 nf6 2. nc3 again I can not prevent e4.
What do you guys play against the english (1.c4) ?
#2 Can I go for the nimzo-indian and then for the qid by playing 3....-Bb4 4. Qc2 - Bxc3 5. Qxc3 and then 5..-b6 ?!
The only problems i can see here is if white's queen does not take and instead take with the pawn( but that never happens)
or if white goes for 6. Bg5 and then 7. f3 or even 6.f3 right away. There is a game in which that happened and black managed to win applying some interesting ideas.

Though 9.d5 looks scaary
After 2.Nc3, to me the most logical looks to be 2...e5 or 2...c5. I don't think you can get a proper queen's indian from this move order because as you said you can't control the e4 square fast enough. Therefore if you can't control the light squares (e4) , you should settle on the dark squares ( d4) with e5 or c5 , playing kind of normal english positions. Of course this is only my very humble opinion, so please don't take it too seriously.. That said, I checked the database, and 2..e5 and 2..c5 are the main moves in this position, if you don't want to play a king's indian after 2..g6 3.e4 Bg7 4.d4 d6 etc.
@T3SC that's the idea of the kid u let white get a big centre but u try to develop quickly
Concerning the English, you might want to try 1...b6!?, which is completely fine because 1.c4 is in itself a committal move which restricts White's options.
You won't be able to prevent e4 if White really wants to play it, but omitting an early ...Nf6 and instead going for e6 and Bb4 (so something like 1.c4 b6 2.Nc3 Bb7 3.e4 e6 4.Nf3 Bb4) should give you a decent game, at least in the database it scores very well.

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