
Distracting Checkmark when completing puzzles

I came looking for this exact complaint before making a topic on it. There's something off-putting about the check (and X for that matter, but that doesn't stay on the whole time). I think it's the art style because it's a mismatch to the rest of the interface. I'd be more inclined to let it slide if there was some useful purpose behind it, but the side box already said whether or not a move is correct. So it just sits there and sticks out like a weird sore thumb.
I've been doing Lichess puzzles every day since the beginning of the year and I find the green tick terribly distracting and annoying. Please, at least give us the option to turn it off if we don't want it.


@senn71 You probably didn't remove the space in the URL (between https: and //...). I had to add it there, otherwise forum would reformat it and remove the https part.
Thanks, @bufferunderrun. Removing the space didn't work for me with my style extension, but this worked, @senn71:

.puzzle__board cg-container .cg-custom-svgs { display: none; }
@senn71 said in #25:
> @Tripletth can you elaborate a bit how to solve this with ublock origin?
@senn71 said in #24:
> @bufferunderrun I used the stylus extension and the style you mentioned, but the green checkmark is still there :-(

sorry, I probably just forgot to hit the save button. The green checkmark is gone now! Thanks a lot!
Is there any update on this? Every other type of superfluous or imagery on the board has options to turn it off (for good reason, most of it is redundant information). E.g. coordinates, highlights, arrows, annotation marks, legal move indicators. I assume eventually somebody who knows what's up will undo this or add the option to turn it off.
For those of you (like me!) who aren’t too familiar with the IT side of things, I thought it might be useful to expand on the solution given in #8 (thanks bufferunderrun!) to give a more step-by step approach. This is based on the chrome browser:

1) Go to
2) Under the ‘styles’ section, you will see the first sentence “These are custom styles you can install with stylus for Chrome, Firefox and Opera”. Click on your chosen web browser from these three and this takes you to a page where you can download and add the stylus extension to that web browser
3) Once the extension has been added to your browser, click on the extension (in Chrome, this is done by clicking on the jigsaw piece graphic at top right of the browser and then selecting ‘stylus’)
4) Select the checkbox “write new style as UserCSS”
5) Click on the hyperlink just below this checkbox to take you to the screen where you can write CSS
6) In the bottom right window, overwrite what is there with the code from #8: @-moz-document url-prefix("https: //") {cg-container .cg-custom-svgs { display: none; }
7) Remove the space between the “https:” and the “//” from the above code
8) Click ‘Save’ at the top left

Good luck!