
Opening (black)

@ATREYAhyper said in #21:
> Nimzowitch is e4 nc6

Nimzowitsch Defense also has a lot of theory :) and against d4, Nc6 is just a blunder. So... Nope.
@Jisu101 said in #22:
> Nimzowitsch Defense also has a lot of theory :) and against d4, Nc6 is just a blunder. So... Nope.
It’s not a blunder, it’s a bad move but not a blunder.
@TaleOfTheNoob said in #23:
> It’s not a blunder, it’s a bad move but not a blunder.

e4 Nc6 is a mistake, but d4 Nc6 is a blunder.
@Jisu101 said in #24:
> e4 Nc6 is a mistake, but d4 Nc6 is a blunder.
If you analyse any game that begins with d4 Nc6 with Stockfish , Nc6 is considered to only be an inaccuracy.
And yet, according to opening principles it's a blunder. e4 Nc6 is also a big mistake, and Stockfish doesn't care since the loss is "only" 0.3 pawns.

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