
how long have you all played chess?

I've played for maybe, 5-6 months. Learned how the pieces moved as a child, about at age 9 but I couldn't appreciate the game back then, now I see the beauty of it and I am quite obsessed, and m goal is 2000 elo.
@Berry_Blaster said in #11:
> I've played for maybe, 5-6 months. Learned how the pieces moved as a child, about at age 9 but I couldn't appreciate the game back then, now I see the beauty of it and I am quite obsessed, and m goal is 2000 elo.

More or less the same. Played as a child. Didn't really understand the complexity of the game and now I want to improve to let's say 1700 elo.
1 year and i started as a 0 rated (Metaphorically) and came all the way to 1570 =) (I think that’s gud and btw I love chess)
Started at age 25 in 2015, played for 3 years, then kind of stopped and got back into it 2 months ago. I almost entered an OTB tournament once, but the waves were good that weekend.
@Psyamb said in #5:

@vIbHu11 said in #1:
>5.5 years
Did you learn the chess rules 5.5 years ago?

Have found that you are 12 years old, and allready have a FIDE rating of 1815 standard chess. Checked some of your blitz and rapid games that you played a day ago. One was this game where you won in 40 moves with a cp-loss of 9. (the game is posted below) Have also seen that you regularly play and win against International Masters here on lichess. I’m baffled!!!! Makes me feel affected with dementia!

And of course Very, very impressed! Wow

Started playing online about 4 years ago. My goal is to continue to enjoy the game, I don't give a s*it what my rating is just as long as it is still fun.

A bit like life really, material success is much less important than happiness I think.

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