
New record for most consecutive pawn moves?

Gotham chess is always entertaining! Didn't know that the player who made 17 pawn moves was a Nazi!
Tonight I managed again to play 19 pawn moves in a row and still win. This time against a much higher rated opponent. Stockfish only classified 2 of those pawn moves as blunders! For those interested, here's the game:
@John33 said in #9:
> @StephanDerrick It's not just the game with most pawn pushes it's perhaps also a game with highest average centi pawn loss.
> Stockfish, if was a real person, would have fainted while analyzing the game.
I've tried pawn push games again and this time managed 19 in a row in a 3 0 blitz victory with a centipawn loss of 77:

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