
Try your best to be funny

@ZIDAN_S said in #12:
> You can block me :)
> If you really want to achieve your goal
> Before Blocking me I will show you a gift that is for you
> Here is a gift for you
stop copying me
Teacher (writes this question on the board): 4x^2-3x+7=0. Find x.

Child 1: 32i?

Teacher: Wrong!

Child 2: Ooh! Me! ME! I found x here! (points at the question)

Teacher: oh hell naw
The class went to a space museum for a trip. They are in the Solar System exhibit.

Teacher: This planet is Mars. This one is Venus. This one is... (10 hours later) This one is Uranus (looks at a child who's not listening while she says this)

Child 1: But then if that's his a**s, where's my a**s?

Everyone else:

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