
Try your best to be funny

@Zara_cherry360 said in #50:
> Wow! What a nice channel! Thank you so much for rickrolling me! ( I expected it )
No problem! Hope to make a rick roll montage once we reach 2k
<Comment deleted by user>
when the stuff in #54 happens and ur at door 51:

figure: AAAARRRRRRRRRRR (roar)
you: opens doors
figure: runs out of library and leaves a giant gap. rush ambush halt and screech all get killed by him on the way, jeff's shop is in ruins and he completely ignores seek. eyes just doesnt spawn cos he's scared and figure chases me down and flies down too. RIP Figure Door 51-wherever the heck i landed

also life is not fun when ur in hell stuck with rush, ambush, halt and screech. I once tried to escape but a noob crucified me.
@Zara_cherry360 said in #34:
> Well I’m confused too! I don’t understand
A kid tries a puzzle which is for 3 to 4 years old kids. He thought h=that he would take 3 to 4 years to complete it but he completed it in 1 year. So he is thinking that he is smart

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