
Do you think good chess players are good at maths?

Yes, mainly because chess is all about calculation, so I think most good chess players are good at maths.
Four types of possible answers:-

1)Players good at Chess are good at Maths.
2)Players good at Chess are not good at Maths.
3)Players good at Maths not at Chess.
4) Players are not good at Maths nor at chess , but have different interests.
#4 There is a 5th option as well, for people like me
Players are not good at maths, nor at chess, nor at cricket, nor at football, nor at science, etc. They are good at sleeping
If all bad chess players are bad at math and all bad chess players are bad at syllogisms, then it follows that all good chess players are good at math. Hope this helped.
Calculations are done by computers.
Math has nothing to do with calculation as soon as you leave kindergarten level.
Math has to do with abstract thinking.
Chess is very concrete.

So no, being good at chess does in no way mean to be good at math.

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