
How do you say the word "hare" and "hair"?

If i put a rabbit on my head, will it look like i have a head of hare? :)
@JASKIRATSINGH said in #20:
> ask your eng teacher
> let them come in use for once...

English teacher here. Allow me to retort....

@MIHIR_KATTI is correct that the words are homophones inasmuch as they are composed of the same phonemes.

If you want to know what a phoneme is, it is the smallest unit of sound that can change the meaning of a word. If you want examples try this and if you want really thorough detail I can recommend Sound Foundations by Adrian Underhill.

It follows that although people will argue that the different words sound different when they or their friends say it, and they may be right, if you put the constituent phonemes together but take them out of any other context a listener will have a no better than chance probability of deciding which word the speaker has in mind.

And incidentally Wittgenstein tells us that words are symbols of the concept that they represent, just like toy cars or soldiers or whatever, with no intrinsic link to that concept. This should give people pause if they insist on the 'correct' translation.

And, should you want to know the difference between here and hare/hair....
and "heir" ...

I am the son and the heir
Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and heir
Of nothing in particular
Then there’s ’hair of the dog’ which isn’t hair.. or hare... just ‘urrrgh’ ( pronounced ‘hair or hare’)
What about ‘hare (or hair) brained’?

I think the person who down voted my previous comment has had a full frontal lobotomy leaving them with long pointy ears and a sense of humour failure. Or maybe they never had one to begin with and the operation failed. They also had an arse transplant first but the arse rejected them.