
R+B have a harder time than R+N vs Q

I stumbled on this puzzle and it got me thinking, that the R+B have a harder time than R+N vs Q.
It is a general principle that the Knight is a better defender of the King vs Q than the Bishop. For instance in the puzzle it is shown, if you take the Bishop the Knight can defend the pawn and you have a much harder time to win the game (still winning for the queen though).

So I was thinking if this might be something to consider in games if you can choose between Q vs R+B and Q vs R+N and there is no clear cut solution (for instance, because you win a pawn tactical) you should go for the former when you are the side with the queen.

What do you think?
@MrPushwood said in #2:
> The bishop is probably still generally stronger than the knight there.

You think so? Can you think of any games where this is shown? I am just curious :)

I just remembered the WC of 2021, where magnus won the epic battle in game 6. He had a R+N vs Q.
If I remember correctly in many lines it was important that the knight was the defender of the king otherwise black would have had a perpetual.
I doubt Carlsen would've had too much trouble winning that thing with the bishop either.

Bear in mind you seem to be merging two separate things here: the knight's greater ability to defend in close is not terribly relevant when you have a winning position. ;)

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