
No more Lichess vs or whatever

I have seen enough lichess vs or chess24 posts.
They are absolutely pointless, it's repetitive. And you know what the answer is gonna be like asking a question you already know wasting everyone's time.
To the people who post these things: Maybe just spend a couple of seconds and search this topic on Google, you will actually find articles that are not biased towards any of the sites but instead just give you the points. Just search it up and stop posting it in lichess it's literally wasting everyone's time. OK?
I know @shadow1414 already said this, I just have to say it again because I saw another thread of lichess vs today!
Completely agree. It's fairly common and everybody knows the pros and cons of each side. The thread is based on opinion, and it being repetitive would get annoying quickly.
@Aiden_Chen I think Lichess should themselves speak up about it, because unfortunately no matter how many threads people make against it that won't change things. Perhaps put that in forum etiquette?
So you started one more to have less ;)

and this is not the only one:
- why this is a draw
- why my opponents rating changed so much and mine little
- what is my FIDE given my lichess rating
- why my rating is x hundreds point lower than in lihchess.
- how to become GM
- how to get LM title
- tell me a good book about xxx.. which allways greats very usefull answers :)

Pretty sure you can come up with similar questions

all the original poster had to do was to use forum search

And will not change
Some lines in the forum etiquettes could avoid such questions.
May be a FAQ would be useful (required reading before registration) ?
Not answering these recurring questions

Unfortunately, i'm afraid that the modern internet way of life will not discourage further posts.
I always try to find an alternative view not yet expressed (or so i like to think, it may just be that i don't read well).

What if only a small percentage of the population get to participate in a thread while it makes the fleeting headline somewhere on lichess.... With repetition, it makes possible for the unlucky to have another chance, that may be exasperating to those with good radar for what is going on, but how many of the total population over large time scale passing by the forums, is also active at smaller time scale... did i already lose readability? year total unique onlookers. week total unique onlookers.

Also, what if the context is itself evolving. What if i did not understand well the first time (degrading quality of argument, i admit).

Finally, ... i forgot. no, i got it, .... , no really i forgot. ah yes... searching in my memory for what i wanted to add here, i realize i was emulating the unapologetic poor quality of lichess onsite search.

Google with stie:lichess is more effective, as it does not give each and every post in the search results, burying the thread title level, with each post of any thread.. Sorry, it has to be said.... that does not mean i don't appreciate lichess. I do, it is my chess only home, online.. i am a tourist in all others. but i think it is good to give constructive criticism.. and the site search for forum, is not the most efficient tool (it may be by design).

That last point, does not negate the others... yes search via google might help find the thread titles. but there are still reasons to keep asking. just need to check not always the same person asking to make sure it is about covering the whole potentially interested population, asymptotically (right, bad choice of word, eventually i meant).

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