
1 blunder, 57 centipawn loss only?

Sorry for the silly question: which blunder are you referring to?
@tacoChess Nd5 doesn't blunder a knight. However d3 wins much easier because of the passed pawns on the king side.

I mean, 50 avcpl means you basically lost a pawn every second move on average and while the early "maneuver" obviously wasn't optimal it didn't blunder any pieces or so, so no blunders there. ;)
@MoistvonLipwig Yeah I guess I should pay attention. It doesn't blunder a knight it blunders a free bishop. That's why d3 is the best move… 

The bishop on h6 can't move. It's blocking the pawns… (Usually people use knights to block passed pawns)

50 avg centipawn loss is alright. If you sac 3 queens and 5 rooks and still mate your opponent, it doesn't matter.

At the end of the game white still has all their pawns.
As opposed to any QGA game ever where you're a pawn down on move 2.

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