
Tournament prep

Hi. I have a OTB chess tournament tomorrow. Any tips on how to not blunder and perform at my absolute best?
Do you know how to keep the record of your game? What type of notation is required?
Do you know who you are playing, and is it possible to see a few of their recent games?
Moving from a computer screen to physical pieces can be a bit disconcerting, if you have physical board maybe set it up and spend a bit of time moving the pieces.
get a lot of sleep if possible, Will you need to take some tums/ant acids/ Pepto or throat lozenges?
@QathetMike said in #2:
> Do you know how to keep the record of your game? What type of notation is required?
> Do you know who you are playing, and is it possible to see a few of their recent games?
> Moving from a computer screen to physical pieces can be a bit disconcerting, if you have physical board maybe set it up and spend a bit of time moving the pieces.
> get a lot of sleep if possible, Will you need to take some tums/ant acids/ Pepto or throat lozenges?
Sadly, I don't know who I'm playing. I know how to keep record of the game, and have a physical board. I won't need to take any tums.Yeah the only thing I don't have is who I am playing. Thanks for your comment!
The ultimate action before doing each move, ask yourself "Is this move safe?"; if everything is surely OK, then move.

Remember, before each move.

Remember, before each move.

Will you remember; even when you are near to hit with the last fatal sequence moves and everything seems to be in your pocket?

Thanks to NM Dan Heisman for the tip.
An important point here is that one should really rethink _every_ move, including "obvious" moves like recaptures. I've seen an extreme example yesterday:

While losing for some time already, White had one single chance after 34... Qxc1 if they played 35. Bxb4+ (with a forced checkmate) rather than "obvious" 35. Bxc1.
Thanks for your tip,mkubecek! The tournament starts in 2 hrs, so thank you for this.
@AnvitkarkalA said in #1:
> Hi. I have a OTB chess tournament tomorrow. Any tips on how to not blunder and perform at my absolute best?
If it's classical, play solid chess but if it's rapid or blitz play agressive
Hi guys! tournament is over. Won 3, lost two. The only thing on how I lost is not paying attention to other pieces and their future moves.

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