
Player's Ratings

I have noticed that 1800-1900 players are much more strong than 2000 rated players. Anybody else noticed that ?
The 2000 players become overconfident when they face 1800 players, and that's the reason they lose so fast.
There is no real difference, just often the amount of raw games. If you have a rating gain every 100 games as a 1800, even if its only 10 points, by the time you play 1000 games, you will be 1900 with no difference in your level, and eventually 2000 if you maintain the gain.

I found 1800-1900 dont really understand the strategy behind an opening. For instance, when I play the caro exchange as black they help me with my minority attack.

Most of the time they dont play the critical move aswell.

With 2000 + they have a much better grasp of what to do in a given position.

Furthermore the is a reason for the rating difference ;)
Nevertheless everyone has bad days :)
@TheSuperSaiyan8 said in #1:
> I have noticed that 1800-1900 players are much more strong than 2000 rated players. Anybody else noticed that ?

Nope. I belong to this group in rapid and classical and I tell you that you are wrong. I can win sometimes with a 2000 but it's pure luck. 2000 is a nerdy rating.

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