
Is cheating for losers?

They are avatar of stock fish. They lure themselves.
Nope, cheating is not for losers; ask Donald Trump who has become President of the United States!
@onyx - not coping with the issue won't solve or change anything - discussing the negative character of cheating might
# • ) make casual irreflective cheaters think about what they're even doing,
# • ) give some maverick hobby cheaters some input of conscience so at least they know they suck,
# • ) challenge convinced villain cheaters to really take that decision and give a f_ck for anyone else, for rules that they didn't make themselves, for nothing at all in this world being worth making a compromise for, and go down their hill as a walking timebomb.

It's values to be educated with for everyone ...
cooperation & fairness pay off better than constant fight for who's the single one remaining strongest highlander in the world.

@onyx - that part ll is pretty good \ interesting \ names and nails the underlying momentums well.
Any achievements only have value if it's difficult to achieve. If it was obtained via cheating then the achievement would be hollow since while you can deceive others you can't deceive yourself. If anyone feels the need to cheat they've essentially acknowledged that they're inferior to their opponent and only way they can compete is by foul play that sounds like a loss to me.

I'll also give a nice quote:

"Most players ... do not like losing, and consider defeat as something shameful. This is a wrong attitude. Those who wish to perfect themselves must regard their losses as lessons and learn from them what sorts of things to avoid in the future." — José Raúl Capablanca

So anyone who does cheat to win is missing out on valuable lessons to become a better player and thus I'm convinced anyone who cheats is harming their long term chess growth.
Is cheating for losers? Yes
Is it a victory? No
Is it a victory in the cheaters eyes? Yes ,because they are deluded enough to believe in their own lies.
Then they get caught and come up with another lie, to cover the first lie.
Then they get banned.
Then they're sorry.
And say they'll never do it again. ( chess career probably ruined btw )
Some change and some don't.
And so it goes on ...........
@Onyx_Chess said in #3:
> Everything that you need to know about online misbehaviour at the chessboard:

You claim 1 out of 50 is cheating.

I lost 16 rapidgames online (15 minutes + 10 seconds) and 11 were identified as cheaters and banned. That is not 1 out of 50 but an astonishing 68,75%. You are clearly underestimating the cheating-problem.

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