
Cheat detected --- instant win

I was playing in a tournament, and in one game, immediately after my opponent made a move, the system said Cheat Detected, and I was given the win. Never seen that before, and I was rather startled. How does it work?
If that person uses the chess engine on lichess for that position, lichess detects it and that person loses the game.
It happens when the player uses lichess Board Editor Function to analyze a particular function. It does not lead to a permanent ban over the player, but a repeated violation may lead to action
When you are playing a chess match on Lichess, the website is made in such a way that it checks if there is any position similar to your game in Lichess live analysis on any device. So the computer code is made with IF-THEN-ELSE statement in Visual Basic program. If the website finds same position in a on-going match and in an analysis by the website by engine then it has already been given command to stop the game there only and declare thloser to the person from whose account the same position's analysis can be found at the same time.
I am very impressed that such a thing is possible in real time. The move made against me that triggered the cheat detection was not one I'd seen before in that same position (I was black, about ten moves into my Scandinavian Defense), but not something that aroused my suspicion. Perhaps a good luck charm, as I went on to win the tournament. ;>)

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