
Always this opening happening

Playing White For Example: 1. c4 / e6 2. nc3 / bc5 3. g3 / Qf6

Playing Black For Example: 1. e4 / e5 2. bc4 / nc6 3. Qf3

Like I am not going to let myself be mated that easily when this is happening to me like every third game at my level. For White you know it is not the worst strategy but when Black players do this its like really why?
People learn Scholar‘s mate and that’s about it.

Actually, the captcha for this posting:

Well people at your level might think that other people at your level might get mates like that
There are tons of examples of it happening, so it’s very common for somebody at your rating to miss the mate even in rapid:

All of these happening in the past couple hours or so
Easy enough those people gain accidental wins on those often enough to keep doing it
Though is not common lichess database on liches games blitz under 1600
for most common way of play e, e5, Qf3, nc6, Bc4 :
close to 10k attempts with 170 immediate wins on next move so almost 2/100 chance to win the game on the spot. and situation is not that bad event when it fails. I guess that is gratifying enough

As for the english opening you mentioned that particular variation has come less than 50 times and black never scored (again search limitted to less than 1600 range) so that is just silly. and insteas of g3 you can play e3 to remove threat once and for all.Probably the reason you cannot find single Bc5 from masters database
Now that you mention it, I recalled similar instances from my games.
By the way I had another question
Is it common for 1700s to not know that basic QGA trap?
I was surprised when one of my opponents fell for it
Even grandmasters fall into basic traps from time to time. It is infrequent, but it happens.

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