
Shouldn't this be a draw?

I reached following position with 46.b6 , where checkmate is impossible for both sides.Later I proudly flagged my opponent and won the game but should this not be an automatic draw after b6? What do you think?

Lichess most likely counts the number of pieces rather than their positioning.
Must be something like that. I don't even know if this kind of situation is covered even in FIDE rules.
should be a draw, is covered in the faq:

> In rare cases this can be difficult to decide automatically (forced lines, fortresses). By default we always side with the player who did not run out of time.
You do the thinking
I don't think
I use instinct
Just kidding
Someone else already answering
I will be going
<Comment deleted by user>
it has already been answered, but...

you know about the fide rule that says roughly, from memory, something about it's a draw if there's no series of legal moves to checkmate, which applies to this game.

The difference is in a fide tournament there's a human arbiter, so if the players can't agree it's a draw, an arbiter can be called and make a ruling.

it's not impossible to do it programmatically, but it would require a bit of thought and increase the complexity and running cost. it's so much easier to change the draw rules for online chess.

the way I think about it is for online chess, it's only about material and position doesn't matter.

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