
Difference in thinking?

When I accept a challenge in the lobby I feel less afraid ,cause I chose to challenge. When I set up a game and someone accepts I feel more nervous and on the back foot. Is this how any of you feel ? I'm sure I win more when I accept the challenge than someone accepting my challenge. Like I'm up for it more when I accept their challenge, is the difference in thinking ( the perceptive ) so different? xxx
I can beat 1800'a cause I challenged them xxx edit: but an 1800 clicks on my game , no chance , maybe as a side thought Lichess could show who clicked who , I know it's not feasible but would be interesting xxx
That's interesting. I never thought about that, but it makes sense. It's like somebody mugging you in the street; they picked you because they think they can beat you.
@JuicyChickenNO1 said in #3:
> That's interesting. I never thought about that, but it makes sense. It's like somebody mugging you in the street; they picked you because they think they can beat you.
Yeah , Prexactly xxx
@SimonBirch said in #1:
> When I set up a game and someone accepts I feel more nervous and on the back foot. Is this how any of you feel ?
Yes I feel so. Whenever I accept a game, I see the rating of the player(which is the only source of inspiration).
@SaNyob said in #5:
> Yes I feel so. Whenever I accept a game, I see the rating of the player(which is the only source of inspiration).
Yeah to beat them!
Interesting topic.

I think it works the other way with me. If I accept someone else's challenge I feel nervous because the player didn't choose to play me specifically and I'm worried that they might think I'm wasting their time. Therefore there's more pressure not to make a fool of myself. If they accept my challenge, on the other hand, I feel less pressure because it was their choice to play me anyway. The same thing happens in a chess club where we're physically present: I'm nervous about asking someone if they want a game and tend to stand around awkwardly until someone asks me.

It's all irrational of course. But then our psychology never lends itself to be rationally explained anyway.
Did so, too. Try zen-mode and disable the rating-display in the preferences. I have no time to worry about my opponent, just hope they blunder last.
This player I had met in lobby three times before and they was 3 to 0 up! I challenged them again today, and I finally won one as I wore him out to which way his pawns were moving ...................anyone can beat anyone. I didn't give up and got a small victory from a blunder , but a win is a win. It was an immense struggle and a great game , not just good game ,well played ,a great fun game and now it's 3-1

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