
Who's the Boss, baby:

@Mopman said in #20:
> Rofl a person is seen holding a gun and threatening to use it , a shooting happens soon afterwards , but your answer is " So ? "
> So , so so so soooooo ? 8) , I can play this game too.

Yes, but it doesn't actually mean he's gonna shoot, it can as well be the other guy...; )

So so?
<Comment deleted by user>
@Mopman said in #19:
> Ahh , personal insults , Congrats @CooloutAC ! you just won the argument !

It wasn't an insult, it was merely a statement, since he keep repeating himself a lot...; )
@Mopman said in #19:
> Ahh , personal insults , Congrats @CooloutAC ! you just won the argument !

I took no offense.@chesseater78 said in #13:
> Old news, like i said, not going to rock my boat....; )

They would probably never be accepted unless Putin was to attack a NATO nation. And because of this they are preparing for war. In fact in the last month Sweden has doubled their troops in size! They flew Jets over the Russian Border to let Putin know they are ready!

Putin supporters talk about Ukrainians training their children and women to fight. Poland is now doing the same thing! The world is getting ready! We should be terrified, I know I am! if WWIII breaks out crazy Putin will certainly launch Nukes. Chesseater does not understand the gravity of this situation. And for what? Cause Ukraine wants to elect their own President and do business. Where is the morals?
@chesseater78 said in #23:
> It wasn't an insult, it was merely a statement, since he keep repeating himself a lot...; )

As do you , and I .
@Mopman said in #24:
> I will play those odds .
> So so so ?

That's the best you got? Pfft, i'm getting bored already....
@chesseater78 said in #27:
> Not true, Russia would have downed them instantly. They are just playing it "hard" 'cos Swedes are pussies. I know them...; )

Ok moving into troll territory here .
@chesseater78 said in #28:
> That's the best you got? Pfft, i'm getting bored already....

Well actually you got owned by @CooloutAC who already showed you the Video evidence you asked for.
@Mopman said in #30:
> Well actually you got owned by @CooloutAC who already showed you the Video evidence you asked for.

No he didn't, he said it was two weeks ago. That's hardly in the "beginning"...; )

Or are you just...boring?

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