
Who's the Boss, baby:

@chesseater78 said in #31:
> No he didn't, he said it was two weeks ago. That's hardly in the "beginning"...; )
> Or are you just...boring?

And now a personal insult to me as well , thank you for conceding the argument !
@Mopman said in #32:
> And now a personal insult to me as well , thank you for conceding the argument !

No insult, just statement...; )
@Mopman said in #29:
> Ok moving into troll territory here .

Yes, you are deep down in that "swamp"...; )
@chesseater78 said in #27:
> Not true, Russia would have downed them instantly. They are just playing it "hard" 'cos Swedes are pussies. I know them...; )
oh you know eh? Well I know their special forces are pretty bad ass because they have fought with us everywhere in the world.

> It can as well be the US who launches those "nukes" first. But then again, in any case we will probably never know....; )

IMO, Putin might Nuke the Ukraine. In fact if he uses Chemical weapons, NATO might send boots on the ground, and then Putin will launch the first Nuke against a NATO nation. Then we will all be having our last suppers.
Is it just me, or was ol' KJ wearing shoulder pads?
@CooloutAC said in #35:
> oh you know eh? Well I know their special forces are pretty bad ass because they have fought with us everywhere in the world.
> IMO, Putin might Nuke the Ukraine. In fact if he uses Chemical weapons, NATO might send boots on the ground, and then Putin will launch the first Nuke against a NATO nation. Then we will all be having our last suppers.
@CooloutAC said in #35:
> oh you know eh? Well I know their special forces are pretty bad ass because they have fought with us everywhere in the world.

I know them. Actually, i have met a few of them personally...; )

> IMO, Putin might Nuke the Ukraine. In fact if he uses Chemical weapons, NATO might send boots on the ground, and then Putin will launch the first Nuke against a NATO nation. Then we will all be having our last suppers.

Good facesaving disclaimer: "IMO". Your opinion are worth less than a ruble nowadays. So think about that for a moment...; )
@chesseater78 said in #27:
> Not true, Russia would have downed them instantly. They are just playing it "hard" 'cos Swedes are pussies. I know them...; )

For the record this statement was where I mentioned you moving into troll territory or do you think it is not ?
@chesseater78 said in #38:
> I know them. Actually, i have met a few of them personally...; )
> Good facesaving disclaimer: "IMO". Your opinion are worth less than a ruble nowadays. So think about that for a moment...; )

Not wanting to point out what is wrong with my opinion by simply telling me to think about how worthless it is. Is another concession.
@CooloutAC said in #40:
> Not wanting to point out what is wrong with my opinion by simply telling me to think about how worthless it is. Is another concession.

CooloutAC - 2 , @chesseater78 - 0

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