
Variant idea: Spy Chess

Sounds really fun, Its the first way i ever really seen of adding some poker elements to chess in a positive way.
Thanks thegreatpretender, lets see if we can make it happen
sounds amazing, would give hope to the david vs the goliaths, would love too see this come to fruition
Some admin I could message to see if is possible to implement? Or someone to play a casual Spy Chess game against me :) ?
Just play a standard game, send the secret pawn by message and just look at the end, just friendly for test.
Nice if it could be implemented, but i dont even know who does this.
Sounds interesting and may add another aspect to the game. Possible variants could also include 2 spies (if both are captured, you lose and the opponent sees if one is captured) or a variant where any figure except the king might be the spy. Don't really know the implications of this but might be worth thinking about.

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