
Avoid Catalan black keeps pawn

Hi everyone. I have been looking at the Catalan recently. I like what I see exept that black sometimes keeps the pawn. Could it be posible to change the move order a little so I only would get the lines I like? I'm ok with the closedcatalan and the open Catalan where i get the pawn back like this.
1. d4, nf6
2. c4, e6
3. nf3, d5
4. g3, dxc4
5. bg2, be7
6. o-o, o,o
7, qc2
I thought I might change the move order and play the following.
1. nf3, nf6
2. c4, e6
3. g3, d5
4. bg2
Here black cannot take on c4 and hold onto the pawn. I know black does not have to play e6 on move 2, but I have some nice prepp for 2. g6. Usually it becomes a king's indian where I play the exchange or it becomes a psaudo Grunfeld. I like positional chess and engames. I am blidn too so I strugle with chaotic positions because I find it challenging to pay attention to so many tactics at the same time. Thats why i did not post a diagram also, sorry. Please don't take my rating here to seriously, this is not my serious acount, I posted it here so it would not be seen by those preparing for me otb. For context I am 1863 fide. Thank you!
Sure, you can play the alternative move order delaying d4. But then Black can play c5 before you play d4 and you'll reach a non Catalan setup closer to the Reti or English.
True Catalan devotees are happy to see Black take on c4 and try to hang on to the pawn as you get plenty of compensation. After dxc4, they'll even eventually play b3, forcing it into a true gambit and then open lines with e4, d5.
As a Catalan player I am always happy with the compensation for the pawn against an opponent who tries to hang onto it provided that I don't mess up and let Black's pawns on the queenside start rolling. If Black's pawn majority is kept in check, the pressure down the long light diagonal and the typically open a file is the sort of position I'm at home in.

But you need to work out what type of position suits your style of play best. It's very possible that this opening is not for you.
Thank you very much for your suggestions. Sounds like I should try something different, other ideas on what I play instead would help me a lot!
I already described my style. I have had some success in the Carlsbad structure from both sides
I understand from what you've said so far that you like positional games without too many complex tactical lines, ideally leading to endgames, and also that you're unhappy with sacrificing a pawn in the Catalan.

Maybe as White playing an early cxd5 in those queen's pawn openings might be something for you. This breaks the tension in the centre, typically leading to a rather dry position where both sides simply complete development without many direct threats.
That sounds pretty good thanks! I will have to give up the psaudo Grunfeld endgame, but I guess something has to be sacrificed.
Also, do you think the Caro Kann is good for me? I feel it suits me but your thoughts on this are very apresiated. Btw, if anyone wander why I ask for positional stuff when I keep playing all sorts of aggressive stuff here it is for calculation training.
@Blind_p said in #7:
> Also, do you think the Caro Kann is good for me? I feel it suits me [...]

Yes, that's an excellent choice for a player who prefers to try to neutralise the opponent's threats and wait for chances in the endgame. Of course White has sharp choices against the Caro Kann too, but as Black defending against 1.e4 it's impossible to curtail White's attacking chances completely anyway.

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