
Looking forward to the Biden/ Trump debate

Those debates are being held ONLY by broadcasting companies selected and dictated by the Biden camp, are they not? Why was that so important? Any real thoughts? Or just a shrug.

Couldn't EACH of the candidates have been allowed genuinely to select one (of the two) broadcasting teams / moderators? Why did the selection have to be selected by only one side and then presented to the challenger?

Will BOTH sides have EQUAL access or non-access to the questions in advance?

Wouldn't it have been fairer to give BOTH sides a meaningful choice? Why couldn't that be done?

And why exclude Kennedy? Why is that fair and important?

One sided choices. One-sided narratives. Trials in politically-dominated jurisdictions.

Yeah, go ahead, celebrate. What's fer dinner?
It's sad to see a man 70 pounds OVERWEIGHT at his age ... We might see his HEALTH PROBLEMS before even' , Bidens Health is so much vastly better at 6 feet half inch tall 177 pounds than Trump's 260 - 270 pounds of FAT around his heart. I'm not sure he even makes it to the debate stage
You put Trump and debate in the same sentence... Either you don't know who Trump is, or you don't know what debate means :p

they might both be unfit for presidency, but one of them is unfit for presidency *and* a violent white supremacist sexist pig...
@ThunderClap said in #22:
> It's sad to see a man 70 pounds OVERWEIGHT at his age ... We might see his HEALTH PROBLEMS before even' , Bidens Health is so much vastly better at 6 feet half inch tall 177 pounds than Trump's 260 - 270 pounds of FAT around his heart. I'm not sure he even makes it to the debate stage

Dementia what Birdbrain has.
This is why I hate political forums - they devolve so quickly and before you know it, a moderator has to come and stop the situation from exploding. This is why the "friendly politics" forums devolved in 2020 and I feel like even mentioning politics inside a forum topic could easily lead to chaos.