
Looking forward to the Biden/ Trump debate

Joke, you say? @spindriftdrinker , if you ARE British, it's my current understanding that you * unfortunately * could not serve as America's vice president (although I failed to consider the possibility or possible effects of dual citizenship, I guess) -- but apparently you could then still make an able prime minister, so all is not lost.

Considering that Trump does not drink even a little, it would seem from your handle that you might provide a needed balance to the ticket, if you could serve as his VP.
@Noflaps No actually I am not British although coincidentally about 90% of my mother's family is British. Spin Drift is a carbonated beverage with a small amount of fruit- giving about 17 calories to 12 ounces.
I'm drinking one now as I left some weights while checking out an Eric Rosen video. Yup, just finished up working from home for the day.
Ah! All is clarified. Okay, perhaps you'd provide a bit less balance to the ticket, then. But you did help me to learn of a new beverage and you still seem like vice-presidential material, @spindriftdrinker , provided you otherwise meet the more mundane requirements (which, of course, I cannot tell, given the anonymity of the internet).
@Noflaps Might I recommend the grapefruit flavor as the best of a variety of good possibilities? Tangerine as well.

Alas, my home state of New York would provide little utility to the ticket as VP. A swing state such as PA or MI would provide better potential gain. We are ultimately practical folks, being chess-players.
@Noflaps Not only am I not the sort to shoot a dog, I wouldn't write a book about it either. Although, to be sure, the dog she shot really did need shooting. Kind of like Commander, Old Joe's dog. Commander has ripped apart more Secret Service flesh than the cannibals who ate Old Joe's Uncle Bosey.
Your intellectual vision seems unclouded and comprehensively articulated, and you don't appear to cackle. Yes, @spindriftdrinker , you seem worthy of a nomination.
noflaps : " I won't write here anymore, people are writing too short and unconstructive comments"
Also noflaps : proceed to flood this thread with random short unconstructive comments.

Trump team being as consistent as they can ;)
@TurtleMat, please identify by number and thread where you think I wrote " I won't write here anymore, people are writing too short and unconstructive comments."

I do not believe I wrote that. It's highly unlikely that I would ever threaten (or promise) never to write in Lichess forums anymore. And I do not believe I criticized anybody using those words.

I could be wrong, of course. But I'll need to see it demonstrated.

I'm ready to eat crow -- but I won't go out looking for a recipe until you demonstrate that you are ACTUALLY quoting me and not merely appearing to do so.

If I misunderstood and you didn't really mean to APPEAR to quote me, that would be nice to know, too. Thanks.
@Noflaps said in #31:
> I decided not to comment after all. What would be the point. It's not clear that reflection can still be realistically inspired these days.

I paraphrased. that's a thing. it was also clear from the structure of my comment.
Your following comments didn't really "inspire reflection". you could nitpick, sure. You seem to be quite good at that. but it remains the case that you do what you criticise.