
Easy or pathetic?

So, this guy wins by time in bullet and after game writes "Easy". What do you think: was it really easy, or maybe it was just pathetic behaviour by my opponent?

This is public shaming @gusev_ua, I suggest you delete that part. Also ignore if you don't care, there's much worse people on Lichess itself. It was bullet and yeah it was close. These games belong in game analysis btw. Thanks :)
No shaming here. My opponent was obviously proud of himself :)
Personally I'd say it was rude of them to write that, but some people have no class. You just have to ignore them and move on.
you played ok but he totally missed 27: bf5+
It’s utterly disrespectful, rude and obnoxious but if that’s how they want to behave, let them .. I’d just call them a **** to myself and move on.

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