
Store the games of a tournament OTB

Hi, I want to store the games of a local tournament OTB in the lichess platform. I know I can create a study and type in the games there, but I think the study is not the best way to do it. I need to classify the games by rounds.
Is there in lichess some way to store the games? Or, is the study the only way to do it?

I want, later on, to share the games with the colleagues of the club.

Any ideas?

1 chapter for each round. The lichess study is perfectly suited to this exact use. Add PGN tags to your chapter for venue, tournament, white player, black player, rating and of course round.
Hm, honestly a study seems like the best way to go. You can put each game in one separate chapter and even choose from which side the board is displayed.

Additional information about the game, such as site, round, board number, time control etc can be added using the "PGN tags" icon underneath the board in the study.

If you like to you can use Stockfish analysis, but you can also add personal comments for each move if you wish.

You can choose whether to make it a public study or accessible by invitation only. Really seems perfect in my opinion.

The only alternative I can think of is, to import the games one by one in the Tools menu and maybe making a blog post with the games.

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