
Recomended novels that include chess game

@Akbar2thegreat said in #8:
> If it's in Russian, then I suppose it might be based on White Movement.
"White's move", or "White's turn" would be more suitable.
I tried to search for a story with that title, without specifying the author, and still did not find anything similar to the Russian translation. Strange - as if the translator himself composed the story)

But in the process of searching, I found another book about chess: Kevin Stokker "White to Move and Lose"
Narziss und Goldmund - Hermann Hesse

One big chessgame.
I don't recall, whether chess ever gets spelled out in it, or not, but it's one big game of chess alright.
"The Flanders Panel" by the Spanish author: Arturo Perez-reverte. Any one of his books is good but this one has chess as a main theme. "What We Become" is the American title of another of his chess themed mysteries.
I have not read this one but will soon as I know it will be excellent.
"The Chess Players" (1960) the fictionalized biography of Paul Morphy. Written by Frances Parkinson Keyes who incidentally was the wife of a USA senator.
And finally, "The Eight"by Katherine Neville. Mystery, suspense, and spies. The protagonist is a female chess wunderkind. Not great literature but a lengthy and fun Summer beach read.

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