
I can not analyze this game

Hi!, I am Federico from Argentina, I love this site!!, I'm new here and I have this problem:

Question: (Sorry for the inconvenience !!!) but someone knows how I can do to use the cumputer analysis in this game PGN I just care?

(Aronian vs Nakamura It is an instructive game and would like to see the computer analysis!!, ....but I do not see the option !.

What I did was import the PGN.
Anyone know? Thank you!
Cheers !.
WOWW !! THANKSSS !!!!!!!!
What bug you found in my PGN? do you remember? (well not again commit)

Can ask you... what means "Average centipawn loss"?
Really thank you very much !!
The game type was "From Position", which cannot be analysed... I changed it to "Standard"

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