
What is your favorite choice against 1. d4?

@barkbagarn said in #10:
> Benko gambit, perhaps?!
Do you think I could use that in longer classical games too? Is this a correct gambit like the Vienna Gambit or is it bad if your opponent finds good moves?
@Professor74 said in #9:
> My favourite response is 1...d5 and f7-f5 at the right moment, the Dutch defense. For example: 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 f5.
That sounds quite interesting, thank you! I will check it out :)
Thanks for your help guys that's really helpful
@gulugulu2 said in #11:
> Do you think I could use that in longer classical games too? Is this a correct gambit like the Vienna Gambit or is it bad if your opponent finds good moves?
I'm not an expert. I'm uncertain of the status of the gambit. All gambits come with a risk.
I like the Benko and i have played it with different time controls and I see no reason to stop playing it.
@barkbagarn said in #14:
> I'm not an expert. I'm uncertain of the status of the gambit. All gambits come with a risk.
> I like the Benko and i have played it with different time controls and I see no reason to stop playing it.
Ok thanks for your advice I will take a look at it!

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