
How do you call such players ?

Giving someone that you just won against a rematch they requested is good sportsmanship.
Feeling entitled to a rematch with someone you just beat is a bit craven.

Getting irate when someone refuses your rematch offer is... good luck with that.
Est-il possible d'avoir la traduction en Français ?
I do not know at least I do it that way, if I feel that their rating is higher than their skills.
@sheckley666 I don't agree. Of course the chance to win a second game (or a third, with the same colors of the first one) is higher if you won the first game. It depends not only on the rating, but rather of the style of you opponent, his openings, the daytime, you alcool level ...
Okay, so I have won four games in a row against one opponent, because his style is in my favour. Then I lose one game to him. Out of a sudden, his style is no longer in my favour? I won 80% of my games against him and prefer to play against a stranger, where my winning chance is roundabout 50% ???
Well, @Brno7, nobody supposed to do what they not to. Its full freedom. It is about unspoken things/rules...
Always such bleating in forums about whether your opponent 'owes' you a rematch.
Win, lose or draw, nobody owes anybody anything.
If you want to play a series then agree in advance.
Otherwise shut up.
If I want to analyse my game, have lunch, go to bed, take a leak, watch a movie or play someone else that's entirely up to me.
If someone's mind interprets this as "running" then that is an insight into their character, not mine.

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