
Determining timeout draw in small rapid tournament OTB

I’m helping organise a tournament for kids that’s coming up soon. We have 12 players signed up and we have two hours for the whole tournament. The games will be 10 minutes no increment. I have only just realised that following the FIDE rules for determining when a timeout is a draw could be quite time consuming. Therefore I think I will need to use a simpler rule. Here are two possibilities that have occurred to me:
1. The player who times out loses regardless of material.
2. The player who times out loses unless their opponent has only a king, a king and bishop or a king and knight (in which case the game is a draw).
I was wondering if anyone who has experience with this sort of thing could suggest which of these simple rules is better or suggest a better simple rule. I don’t believe we will have time to check if there is a possible mating sequence in situations outlined in case 2 above.
First, highly recommend following FIDE rules : they are the standard for a reason.
Secondly, the difficult / " time consuming" positions are extremely unlikely to occur. Good odds you won't run into any such cases with 6 games each round. Most of the time someone will have a pawn, so it's easy to see that there is a way to promote, and a way to checkmate. That, or they outright have mating material already. Really, the one thing to watch out for is forced lines and (kinda artificial) fortresses (ie. the examples here ) And keep in mind a lone knight can checkmate if the opponent can block themselves in a corner.

As a bonus : you can even use this tool /
Thanks so much for your reply. That analyzer is very helpful. I realise that I’m worrying about some unlikely situations, but I just wanted to be prepared.

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