
Do Lichess Admin and Moderators Have a Setting to Demote Certain Posts?

I think I've seen this a few times when a controversial post doesn't seem to get to the top of the forum for each new response. It makes me think our Lichess Admins and Moderators have a sneaky setting to demote the importance of a post they think might be a tinderbox and lead to all out verbal warfare.

I'm not accusing our hardworking admins and moderators of any wrongdoing but that they are managing using stealth techniques.

I am also not saying it is definitely happening but that it felt many times like it is. Feel free to tell me i'm delusional. lol 😂
It is possible as in most forum platforms that they have the ability to move threads, but honestly, this doesn't seem the case.
The Lichess admins are part of the Bilderberger conference and try to surpress the truth. They also stun us by offering such a great free website, leading to us being incapable of seeing the truth. I say, No more!

On a more serious note, the Lichess forum is pretty active, so there are constantly new posts pushing other threats.
@QEDemonstrandum nope yet again you got the wrong end of the stick.

The post had several very recent replies and was not even making the first page of the forum.

Do you get it now?
@michuk You do realize that in every categorie you can see for every threat when the last post was written? It just takes 1 hour (atm) for a thread to go to the 2nd page, or maybe you are looking for a post in the wrong categorie?

I just see no reason for Lichess to do something like that, they just close threats which are not in line with the rules and thats about it.
@QEDemonstrandum okay so we’re on the same page literally now. I was looking at the same category of the forum and saw several replies post seconds before and the topic remained on the second page even after several refreshes and several more replies.

I’m sure Lichess are not demoting posts and topics they don’t want others to see but it looked that way.

Evidence still being gathered lol 😂
They communicate internally, sure. And they are well aware who’s trolling and who’s not. My recommendation is: don’t overdo by posting tons of precarious answers/issues!
@michuk :After a post gets 50 replies, it stops getting bumped to the top of the forum when there is a new post.

Source: go to the Off-topic Discussion, scroll to the 5th or 6th page, and you'll see all the posts with more than 50 replies aren't getting bumped even when the replies are a lot newer than the topics around them.

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