
Your FIDE Rating and Lichess rating.


It's capitalism. If you don't pay you should not get it. So stop complaining you communists and socialists and use your freedom to deliver money. (If you find some ironic content you may keep it.)

Ratings show your past performance. This hints to your skills. In my case this is far under average in bullet. FIDE doesn't have bullet ratings. Is there a site with online chess ratings that are equal to FIDE otb-ratings? I expect for marketing purposes higher numbers online. As online chess and otb chess demand different skills (premoves and handling the electronic devices change the setting b.e.) you have a variance in the deviations of the rating numbers beyond the rating system and rating level.

So what's the idea behind comparing the ratings? Does it pet the ego? How? Can anyone explain?
@Neustart I dont want to spend money on otb rating,not because im comunist or socialist, its because i dont like wasting money. I think im clear now...

Yes. I do understand, really understand.. You hide your communist identity behind the wish of not wasting money. You can't escape! We Trumpians detect communists everwhere. :) :) :)

@Neustart Then secret capitalists are maybe people who like spending money on nothing and then they dont have money to invest on smart things?:)Which one would you be rather?
My Ratings are as follows:
USCF - OTB Regular - 1575
FIDE - 0
Lichess Rapid rating ~ 2100
i am 3000 FIDE and 4200 chess24 bullet - do not challenge or question my claims.

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