
What do you recommend versus London system ?

The KID resp. g6 or Indian systems. No(!) d7-d5, never.
If you know your opponent always plays the London, you could go for a Benoni or maybe a Dutch Defense, if you like those. Otherwise it really depends if you prefer the 1...d5 systems or the Indian Defenses.

The KID has become slightly less popular against the London due to the fashionable Jobava lines with Nc3 and e4, but is still perfectly playable for Black if you know what you are doing.

Personally I also find the Grünfeld setup interesting. Here is one game that was played in my local area by two amateur players. It has a Grünfeld setup with a bishop on b7 that becomes quite menacing. The annotations are in german and where done by myself for a lecture at my chessclub. It is not a high quality game, but I loved the idea.

Chapters 2-4 are taken from the Simon Williams Chessbase DVD if I remember correctly and in that case the lines given are by Simon Williams.
Chapter 5 is taken from an older database "Tactics in the Opening" that I always found very useful. The motif is reminiscent of the Rubinstein trap.
While these games are wins for White, they illustrate what to be aware of, what mistakes not to make.
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I recommend this course by The Chessable Team.

It is an improved version of Agadmator’s Anti-London System that is razor sharp and full of fighting chances for the Black player, making this improved version one the sharpest possible ways to meet the London System.
Takes the London players out of their usual comfort zone.
c5 with early (or not so early) Qb6 may be very uncomfortable for London players, who used to play schematical. Check some tricky lines, that's a quite poisonous way to play, anti-London, have to say. Being a London player, have to say, that's the most challenging answer.
A truly London player never play 2.d5 against 1...c5. But if you don't want to risk to get Benoni, I would recommend to play d5, c5 and get a transposition to Caro-Kann Exchange variation. Black has a comfortable play and a clear plan (pawn minority attack on the queenside).
Most of the London players doesn't want to get an advantage but equality. System with earlier c5 is the way to get an advantage. to take the initiative, to play agressively — often it works against London players exactly. Transposition to Caro-Kann is the way to have an equal position with clear plan.
I would also highlight KID, but I personally never have any problems. But it can't be really bad way, so if your style fits KID, feel free to use :)
Any other lines, especially d5 without fighting for center or any symmetrical developement, in my opinion, will give you literally nothing, just equality or rather (if white knows how to play and 90 % white knows) slightly worse position.
Learn the Accelerated London which is 1. d4 d5, 2. bf4 and then c5!! This isn`t a gambit is a very smart thing to play!

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