
LichessVSFIDE rating

1800 on lichess would be around 1500 if you're super bad on internet but more like 1400 for a randome player who is fine with otb and online.
1800 lichess=/=1800 fide
a 1800 fide would be around 2000-2100 if they're bad online but should be rated 2200.
and you can't OTB with online because no one play 90+30. Also, Fide rating system is obsolete and is becoming more and more pointless. My fide is 1077 but some players with the same blitz rating are 1900+ fide
I think my lichess rating is a far better measurement of evaluating my level, because it is based on hundreds of games, whereas I only have around 20 official OTB matches to give me a FIDE rating.

I also have the feeling that OTB and online chess are different kinds of disciplines within the same sport. When I play OTB, I always feel a bit disoriented. I need to kick down the urge to stand up and lean forward as to get the full view of the board (it is considered rude to do so). And I need to sit on my hands to force myself not to burst out moves.

As an OTB match easily takes about 2 hours 30 minutes, a lot of online chess players without OTB experience would have a far lower rating as the table of @mahaler26 indicates. My rapid rating (1000+ games) on lichess is around 1750, so my FIDE rating should be somewhere between 1350 and 1385 according to the table, but it actually is 1212.
According to chessgoal website, my estimated FIDE rating should be 2100+. I am not interested to spend time and money to spend one particular hobby to get Fide rating. ( I have too many hobbies,-->playing varieties of games, Trialthlons , soccers,etc. Lol).
Really at my 1800 or so level on lichess nobody appears to have studied openings to any great degree I always do really well out of the opening if I can be bothered...this comes from over 17 years experience of playing on ICC where people pay to play and are serious about chess...lichess could be called a 'casual' chess site really, I play here because its easy on the brain and I can relax.
During lockdown I started playing with my infant kid, who saw me doing weird things on lichess.

Playing OTB and on the computer are two very different things, starting from your spatial position towards the board. My kid understands it is the same game, but approaches each in somewhat different ways. As do I and I guess many others as well. In some aspects, OTB vs. online are not the same game.

I'm happy there is a Lichess rating, for that it offers a way to find new challenges, and I don't mind that a FIDE rating exists, but since it is a members-only club, I do think that over time some other form of rating will emerge, that isn't quite as exclusive. Who knows how many great talents of the past we don't even know about, because the official channels have too many bottlenecks. With more and more people worldwide having internet access, maybe one of the next Carlsens won't come via FIDE, but from Lichess.

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