
Lichess v2 is here

The new v2 might be faster and more up to date code, but it doesn't have the "comfy" feel to all the fonts and etc.
Thanks to all the lichess developers for this hard work. Well done!
It's horrible. The clocks are far too large, which means if you set the board to an ordinary size the clocks are extremely distracting.
Site looks great and all, but all the sizes of stuff have been thrown off, and hate to say it, but the version of lichess before this was better size-wise. I can adjust the board size, but then the bars around it are too large for the board, and if I do ctrl+(-) to zoom out, while it fixes the middle, the online friends and top bar appear very tiny. The chat bar is also very large for the size font that shows up in messages. Not that I hate it and won't continue using lichess, but this new layout is kind of giving me a headache to look at, as it seems like the lichess software wants to extend my computer screen a foot in every direction. I don't enjoy complaining, but only way to improve sites is through cold hard honesty. =/
Loving the graphics though,
Puredication =)
I would like to request a return to the previous overall design (for the desktop, anyway). It was elegant and easy on the eyes. The new one is... anything but that. Is it possible to keep the improvements to the non-desktop front ends (which I haven't tried yet), but keep the previous overall aesthetic? That would get an enthusiastic thumbs-up from me.

I prefer the previous design as well - not because I'm averse to change, but because the design is unfortunately worse from a design standpoint.

There's a difference between decorators and designers - this is more decoration, not so much design.

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