
Which defence is better?

Fisher showed how the Sicilian can be beat with a fast king side attack. As black in the Sicilian I have had to deal with that many times and as white that's what I do, why not? So the Sicilian has a weakness that can be hard to work with.

The French has problems too but I think it's better.
Well then from that point of view every opening has a weakness
I would strongly disagree with all those who recommended Sicilian Defense for you. In my opinion it is the most difficult defense system and hard to learn for anybody below 1700 rating.

Sicilian Defense makes the game very complicated and most often black loses the game if the player is not too careful about its position.

The sicilian is definitely NOT FOR AN AVERAGE PLAYER.

The reasons are -

1) Too many variations.
2) Slow development for black.
3) Ultra sharp lines and too many theories.
4) Hard to play middle game if you don't know how to counter-attack white.
5) Suitable for aggressive players.
6) Kasparov and Susan Polgar said in one of their videos that Sicilian defense should not be played unless a person is very good in chess.

I am learning Sicilian Defense too. But believe me, I lose more than I win with this opening. I have to study this defense system very thoroughly.

So, it is my suggestion that you should first learn open systems which has comparatively less complications and theories, such as Pirc defense, kings indian defense, and french. In most games as black you will face e4, play e5 in response and learn further responses based on white's move, such as Ruy Lopez, Italian, Scotch game etc.
Sicilian is a very broad opening and because of that it might be the right choice but the french is also a really good opening.
@killF7 sure it can be beaten but so can any opening if you’re not careful.
Sicilian but they are both completely playable at the human (and even engine) level.
@absk-kr-singh you can always start off choosing a sideline then progress towards mainlines. Also complications are a good thing for learning as long as you analyze your games afterwards. Also there are so many variations that you don’t have to play aggressive lines. I have to agree with you on the amount of theory though. The general theme of the Sicilian isn’t too hard to learn though

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