
Hans Niemann has been banned by the SLCC

V. funny @EvilPyrokar what's your nick name even mean evil fire starter? Twisted fire starter you're a fire starter , I'm a fire starter , don't mess with me cause I'm a schizophrenic . I'm saying don't push yet another young man to suicide because as a teenager he cheated at on line chess a couple of times ,ffs, help each other be kind to one another , forgive ,why you pushing and pushing this bloke xxx
@Alientcp said in #11:
> I see no problem other than the statement from the club.
> They are free to invite, not invite or uninviting anyone, but the statement is a bit too far.
> A letter directly to Niemann should have been enough.

The public letter is some free publicity for the club - Hans generates a lot of clicks.
@deepvalue124 said in #22:
> The public letter is some free publicity for the club - Hans generates a lot of clicks.

And negative rap if you are his fan. Whatever works for them, but I would have done as I said.
@ohcomeon_1 said in #5:
> Do I smell another lawsuit?
It's not recommended to talk about Hans and smelling in the same sentence given the plug hypothesis...
I'll continue to be a fan of Hans, had a few missteps myself at his age.
Going by Neimann's videos:-

What happened was that Neimann considered that SLCC were blacklisting him from Aug 23 as he got no invites subsequent to damaging his hotel room at USC and effectively blanking him there after. He very recently threated to go public with his concerns giving the lack of response/comms, this forced SLCC to eventually contact him when they said - paraphrasing - 'now now don't do that, we will get back to you, asap' then in response - a couple of days later - SLCC dropped there public statement. If true, this is a bit nasty.

The real problem is, the USA has allowed SLCC to effectively control as organisers of all high ranking tournaments in the USA so Neimann is facing a complete ban from playing chess in his own country. Can't think of any other USA sport(?) run this way - where a single individual can have near absolute control - especially giving previous historic scandals of this form.

I certainly don't know of any other USA sportsperson who has been banned from their sport(?) because they trashed a hotel run and/or spoke/communicated in a rude manner, etc. Sure, for things like murder, wife-beating, child abuse, drug taking, dog-fighting, sports betting, throwing games, dodgy bats, sticky fingers, deflated balls etc to put things in prospective.

Clearly, Neimann is subtly implying there will never be another Fischer with SLCC running the show. Can't help feeling he is at least right on this one.
I am not familiar with Hans personal situation. I hope there are wise friends and advisors he can lean on. He is keenly aware that most of a chess professional's competitive accomplishments typically happen before age 30. I'm sure he wants to apply himself very well, which includes being allowed into important tournaments in his own country.

I noticed he had competed in two or three tournaments overseas recently.
@SimonBirch said in #21:
> V. funny @EvilPyrokar what's your nick name even mean evil fire starter? Twisted fire starter you're a fire starter , I'm a fire starter , don't mess with me cause I'm a schizophrenic . I'm saying don't push yet another young man to suicide because as a teenager he cheated at on line chess a couple of times ,ffs, help each other be kind to one another , forgive ,why you pushing and pushing this bloke xxx

your message of "be kind and empathetic" would be better received, if you practiced, what you preach.
@QathetMike said in #29:
> your message of "be kind and empathetic" would be better received, if you practiced, what you preach.
I'm very sorry if I caused any upset to @EvilPyrokar but seriously anyone that agrees
with the way things are doesn't have any humanity left in them . Wars , famine, sickness, money and power running everything,we are in a war for the human race. Yes I am delusional but the system is not set up for the human race to survive it is the devil's system that collects souls one by one. Niemann being one of them. I'm very sorry for any upset caused, I apologise unreservedly. Sorry xxx

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