
The oldest player on Lichess

@DrHotBunz said in #2:
> Maybe me. I am 103 years old. Birthday on June 15th.

i dont think, a 103 years old dude would describes his home in profile as "@ Your moms house" ... anyway, happy birthday on next June 15th
Well Its certainly not me !, at 44 I'm still young and beautiful, however I am approaching the end of my youth !.
Not too old, because once you reach 70 the finger joints begin to inflame. The arthritis swells the finger and it becomes more difficult to move the pieces. Fortunetly, mine are not too bad, but probably cannot go on for much longer.
Bathroom trips are also a bit of a problem as you go more frequently. But I would say its possible until your 80 or so, then you have to play OTB, unless your hand begins to shake then OTB might be a problem too.
@arjunsawant probably a lichess developer account since they need to make tests before deploying the app (which lean before it was even released)

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