
 Hi please join in my team

<Comment deleted by user>
<Comment deleted by user>
this is advertising . have you ever read the forum etiquette ??
@odw said in #5:
> @Happygurl28 Remember, everyone was once new.
> @natbee56 already gave @Attacker1386 the link to the forum etiquette. Now you ( @Happygurl28 I am talking to you ) reinforcing it and making other users feel bad about themselves.
> Hope you understand my POV

i didn't post the link. i just said him.
@Happygurl28 said in #6:
> @odw said in #5:
> @Happygurl28 Remember, everyone was once new.
> @natbee56 already gave @Attacker1386 the link to the forum etiquette. Now you ( @Happygurl28 I am talking to you ) reinforcing it and making other users feel bad about themselves.
> Hope you understand my POV
> i didn't post the link. i just said him.

they didnt say anything about posting the link, they saiy reinforcing the idea
Let's stop promoting spam :) I posted here to stop it because a discussion will most likely occur here which is promoting spam, read the forum etiquette if you'd like to see my resource for this :) Thank you :) PS: Don't ping users if not needed :) --- (@) Rneelagiri

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