
I'm on youtubey

I finally agreed to allow someone to record me playing them and upload it. Of course the polite thing was to let her win. The commentary is a little dull at times however this is more than made up for by me featuring in it. Please watch the vid and click dat like button.
Why would you call him ,her? (..was to let her win..)

ps. Since you are the best coder ITW..., a question.
Any idea why, when playing a video, I can't go full-screen from within the Lichess page?
#2 it's because the parameter has been set to disallow full screen. No doubt a bug on the part of lichess, as I simply pasted the link and bazoom the vid appeared.
Having said that, I can go fullscreen on safari iOS.
#3 I agree the commentary is great. Your assertion is clearly untrue as in the post game chat I said s̶he was stronger than me.

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