
What to do if you suspect someone of cheating and you cannot resign as you will get banned?

I came across cheaters recently but I couldn't resign since i would be banned if I resign frequently. Is there any way to resign from cheaters or I have to keep playing until I lose?
I assume you mean resigning when you are not losing. How can you tell they are cheaters if they aren't even winning against you? You are just being paranoid and it is very unlikely they are actually cheating.
I always find these cheating threads more than a bit strange.
It should be obvious to anyone, other than Magnus, that there are better players out there than us.
which means that someone beating us can simply be better than us, without cheating at all.
anyhow- play the game out, and then report it if you really think your opponent actually cheated.
Just remember to take your ego out of the picture, when deciding if your loss was 'unjustified'.
That Carlsen. He looks shifty. Wonder if I can give him odds of a rook if x-ray machine isn't allowed in...
Last time I lost to Kasparov, he had a lucky break.
I appeared to have found the game which caused op to make this thread

It does seem a bit suspicious but its hard to go off of

But anyways I think what is required here are some proper tips to catch cheaters

#1 Don't resign

Gather as much data as you can

Resigning will only make it harder

#2 Check the accuracy level

Helps to see if they have a really high accuracy level (like 98 or 99) then probably they're cheating

#3 Are they playing their rating

Are they playing like their rating level

Most of the time, they are

Sometimes we all play below or above our rating levels and thats fine

But sometimes people cheat and get play way above their level

So to make sure check if they are playing their rating level or not

This isnt usually 100% proof that they are cheating though

#4 Check the time usage

If they are cheating then they probably have a very similar time usage for all their moves between 5-10 seconds

This is the best sign that someone is cheating


If they're cheating then they're probably not doing it to only you

Check their other games and then determine if you want to file a report or not
@AsDaGo said in #3:
> I assume you mean resigning when you are not losing. How can you tell they are cheaters if they aren't even winning against you? You are just being paranoid and it is very unlikely they are actually cheating.

No. Resigning when I am losing but I suspect that the opponent is cheating. But if I resign I might get timeout or ban for resigning frequently.
@AsDaGo said in #3:
> I assume you mean resigning when you are not losing. How can you tell they are cheaters if they aren't even winning against you? You are just being paranoid and it is very unlikely they are actually cheating.

I checked the game that supposedly caused him to make this thread

He was actually losing

He just meant playing until he actually lost

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