
Why no rematch

if i like the oppoments play i give/ask for rematch. if he blundered i also do
I never send a rematch...I'll accept my win or defeat...rather go to analysis
one and done.

why do people play 1.d4? I don't like it.
More than once I had a player asking a rematch, and when I accept, they just time out instead of making a move.

Which makes me less and less interested in accepting a rematch.
@Abigail-III said in #16:
> More than once I had a player asking a rematch, and when I accept, they just time out instead of making a move.
> Which makes me less and less interested in accepting a rematch.

more than once I've accidentally clicked rematch while trying to click something else. I can't recall what button I'm trying to click, but whatever it is I've clicked rematch by mistake.

edit: I think it's the new game from the pool button I was trying to click. I wanted to play someone new.
Sometimes I ask for a Rematch sometimes I don't ... Conversly sometimes I accept a Rematch Offer sometimes i don't . There are sometimes reasons & sometimes no reason like I night need to make some phone calls for my business or I might need to go to the bathroom but why do I need to explain the obvious as I live in a free country where I get to make Choices . i do and have played many players over 20 times some even 60 or more but ussualy i just hit the new oppenant button or look at what we missed the tactical SHOTS missed with analysis feature @Katoh1
@Katoh1 said in #1:
> Nobody wants to play a rematch. Why???

Look at your profile - probably you play ways better than anybody, that was maybe frustrating for them.
Sometimes the opponent just lets their time run out after a rematch.
Also I play worse after I won a game against someone and I don't like ego battles vs tilted players. It's not that fun.

Usually I rematch people I know or very good players who don't seem to be tilted.

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